Barney Zeitz


67 Deer Hill Road
Vineyard Haven,Ma.
Martha's Vineyard
(508) 693-9421


This 25" tall stainless steel owl was forged and welded using rods to build armature and sheet stainless to make the surface, applying layers of stainless with diract welding techniques.

please click on images for larger view
Owl This front view shows owl on stand. 25" tall, forged and welded stainless steel, built for clients in New York. Shows the limitless potential in the use of material.
Owl head
Owl back This side back view shows the feathers and layers of materials all done with direct welding techniques.
Owl Talons Great effort was made to have the talons look convincing in their holding onto the falconry stand, also fabricated from stainless steel.
Owl on falconry stand The stand was made with heavy plate steel covered with stainless steel sheet and patterns added with Mig welding.
Owl eye The eyes were very carefully fabricated with stainless steel plate and added material.